Eldy FVG – the computer is easy

Eldy FVG – the computer is easy

the computer is easy (Eldy FVG)

[ the site of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region]

Manager of the Dr. Maurizio Blancuzzi

the Eldy FVG project arises from the need to bring as much as possible the regional population of all ages, and in particular senior, use of personal computers and the Internet with a view to reduction of the digital divide is a cultural and technological improvement of relations between government and citizen, through the use of ICT tools appropriately designed.
It addresses, Hence, anyone who has not yet familiar with the computer but want to exploit the potential provided by the computer and the internet, and believes that it is never too late to learn.
Eldy FVG is an innovative software that allows anyone to use the computer and surf the Internet quickly and easily!

Through a simple and attractive graphics made by large buttons, simplified controls and terminology only makes it easy Italian, immediate and fun to use your computer and surfing the Internet.
Create and use an e-mail, chat with other people, Walking internet, write and save notes, looking digital photos is extremely easy and fun.

The citizens of the region can use this software with its own Charter of Regional Services, easily find the Web sites and email addresses of its public reference (Common, Province, Region, Local Health etc..), access to e-services offered by the regional government.
To use it, simply download the software from the dedicated and install on your computer.

Go to site-specific ELDYFVG

Read the news from the site : http:/ / Www.regione.fvg.it/